Iration - Gira Heat Seekers 2020


Iration is back on the road for their winter tour – appropriately named “Heat Seekers”, and perfect timing if you’re currently seeking some heat for what’s left of this cold season. 

Supporting the Hawaii-based reggae band will be the Maryland-based punk-ska band, ¡Ballyhoo! Which kicks off the band’s first tour of the year. Their lead, Howi Spangler recently released his first official solo EP and kicked off his year with his latest single, “Self Care. 

A great addition to this lineup includes the California-based reggae band, Iya Terra whose latest album, “Coming to Light” put them on Billboard’s top 10 on the reggae chart, followed by their first headlining tour over the fall. Their lead, Nathan Feinstein, recently shared his excitement on Facebook stating; “7 years ago I went to go see Iration at the Majestic Theater in Ventura. That night I decided I wanted to start a reggae band. Soon after, I met Nick Loporchio and we started one. Fast forward 7 years exactly and we’re just a week out from leaving for tour with them. Full circle moments in time! These are the moments that make me genuinely believe in manifestation…”

Also supporting Iration is the Ries Brothers, based out of Florida’s gulf coast, bringing in their perfect fusion of classic rock and reggae that creates their unique sound. The younger half, Kevin Jordan, released his solo EP, Backyard Ocean under his solo project, Echoing Dream, and the duo has just released their latest single, Recluse. 

All their new music is best enjoyed live so make sure to catch this heat at your nearest venue! 



Iya Terra

Los hermanos Ries

Sobre el autor

Omayra López

Omayra es una chica de Florida, madre de tres hijos y artista visual que comparte todo lo relacionado con el arte, la diversión y las cosas bellas de la vida. Cree firmemente que uno crea su propia realidad y lo aplica a su propia vida marchando al ritmo de un tambor diferente, utilizando su cámara como herramienta para ese fin. Omayra es una experta en todos los oficios y los domina todos. Cuando no está detrás de la cámara, está delante. Su experiencia como modelo le ayudó a desarrollar su ojo como fotógrafa.
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