Fotos: Slightly Stoopid en Cocoa, FL

Slightly Stoopid

Ligeramente estúpido have officially announced that “School’s Out For Summer” by kicking off a tour celebrating the release of their latest album “Everyday Life, Everyday People.” For this year’s tour, they’ve brought along two very special guests, Figura de palo y Pimienta.

For myself, a major highlight of this tour has been the awareness of the welfare of shelter and rescue pets, a cause brought to the forefront by Figura de palo who brought Cocoa The Tour Dog along ( for the tour. While the band lineup was truly epic, it was this 6 year old female Australian Shepherd who truly stole the show.

En Ligeramente estúpido tour has indeed has something for both music and dog lovers and for the Cocoa, FL show I attended, tickets sold out fast!

This is a lineup you do not want to miss and you should catch them at a city near you!

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Sobre el autor

Omayra López

Omayra es una chica de Florida, madre de tres hijos y artista visual que comparte todo lo relacionado con el arte, la diversión y las cosas bellas de la vida. Cree firmemente que uno crea su propia realidad y lo aplica a su propia vida marchando al ritmo de un tambor diferente, utilizando su cámara como herramienta para ese fin. Omayra es una experta en todos los oficios y los domina todos. Cuando no está detrás de la cámara, está delante. Su experiencia como modelo le ayudó a desarrollar su ojo como fotógrafa.
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