Sublime With Rome – St. Augustine Amphitheater

Sublime With Rome

Sublime With Rome has wrapped up their summer tour after the successful release of their latest album, Blessings. The tour kicked off earlier this summer along with SOJA, Common Kings, y Seranación and sold out in several venues along the East Coast.

On behalf of the Altwire team, I had the privilege of catching them in Florida at the St. Augustine Amphitheater, now known as The AMP. 

With both the best of the East Coast and West Coast, this was a show that did not disappoint.

Seranación kicked off with their Florida island rock style which brought in their faithful St. Pete hometown following. 

Reyes comunes brought in their Cali-Reggae Vibes and brought me some nostalgic memories from my time in Hawaii as they performed their classic tribute to Oahu’s North Shore, “Wade in your Water.”

This final leg of the tour included Michael Franti, and he brought his well-known conscious vibes. 

Sublime with Rome opened up their set with Sublime’s original classic “Smoke Two Joints”. What I love about the band is how they keep Bradley Nowell’s legacy alive while drawing in a new generation of fans. 

Make sure to listen to Blessings on all music platforms and if you’ve missed the summer tour, the band is now preparing for their fall tour in the Midwest.
Sobre el autor

Omayra López

Omayra es una chica de Florida, madre de tres hijos y artista visual que comparte todo lo relacionado con el arte, la diversión y las cosas bellas de la vida. Cree firmemente que uno crea su propia realidad y lo aplica a su propia vida marchando al ritmo de un tambor diferente, utilizando su cámara como herramienta para ese fin. Omayra es una experta en todos los oficios y los domina todos. Cuando no está detrás de la cámara, está delante. Su experiencia como modelo le ayudó a desarrollar su ojo como fotógrafa.
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