AltWire Fast Five – 4/20 Edition

Sometimes you just need a little pick me up to start your day. That’s where Fast Five comes in. Compromised of bite sized playlists, posted often, “the five” gives you a taste of the best in music right now, featuring tracks from many genres. This week’s reggae edition arrives just in time for 4/20!

Broken Wings – Jesse Royal

With its upbeat calypso style, one wouldn’t associate this track with heartache but it’s worth a listen when reflecting on lost love after the crash from the high.

You + Me – Through The Roots

This sweet upbeat track is a great song to dedicate to that one person who you simply can’t let go of. “You + Me” is a reminder that love is worth fighting for and it’s OK to listen to your heart’s call.

Weed Man – Kash’d Out, Edley Shine

As the herb becomes more widely accepted, this song is a reminder to always thank your go-to person.

Pepper, Stick Figure – Warning

Veteran reggae-rock band, Poivre kicked off their tour performing this track live and it’s finally had a much deserved studio-release. Featuring Figure de bâton, this single is a perfect addition to your 4/20 party playlist!

World on Fire (Remix) – Stick Figure, Légèrement stupide, Tribal Seeds, The Green, Common Kings, Le mouvement

This remix of the California based band’s hit about making a difference in this world by challenging a culture of self-gratification features an all-star lineup which you can catch on their much anticipated 4/20 headline at Red Rocks! I personally found the original version to be great on its own, but veteran band Légèrement stupide along with The Green, Rois communs et Le mouvement, truly set this song on fire!

A propos de l'auteur

Omayra Lopez

Omayra est une fille de Floride, mère de trois enfants, et artiste visuelle partageant tout ce qui concerne l'art, l'amusement et les belles choses de la vie. Elle croit fermement que chacun crée sa propre réalité et l'applique à sa propre vie en marchant au rythme d'un tambour différent, en utilisant son appareil photo comme un outil à cette fin. Omayra est une femme à tout faire et elle les maîtrise tous. Lorsqu'elle n'est pas derrière la caméra, elle est devant. Son expérience en tant que mannequin l'a aidée à développer son œil de photographe.
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