[AltWire Interview] La bergamote

The Bergamot

New York-based Indie Duo, The Bergamot composé de Jillian Speece et Nathan Hoff has a conscious, thought-provoking mellow music style. Their segment on the Grotto Network “Trailblazers: The Bergamot” recently won them the Daytime Emmy award.

In September the duo is set to release their upcoming album. In between their busy schedule, Jillian and Nathan still took the time to chat with our Altwire family.

Altwire [Omayra Lopez]: Would you mind telling us about yourself and the history of your band for our readers who have yet to hear about you?

The Bergamot [Nathan and Jillian]: We are sweethearts from the heartland. Born and raised in IN, we started from pretty bare bones. Producing songs on kitchen tables. The hustle is real. It all started with pure passion.

Altwire [Omayra Lopez]: Was music a significant part of your life growing up? If not, who were your musical influences?

The Bergamot: Yes. Jumping on stage was something we did as soon as we could. We both have musical influences:

Nathan: Nick Drake and R.E.M.

Jillian: Tame Impala and Feist

Altwire [Omayra Lopez]: What was the inspiration for your band’s name?

The Bergamot: The essential oil. It’s used to expel bad spirits and induces happiness – kinda like cannabis 🙂 Or maybe you can use it with cannabis. Anyways, the word just looks cool too. It’s also the main ingredient in Earl Grey Tea – so we fit right in London.

Altwire [Omayra Lopez]: With your upcoming album, in contrast to your previous work, what can your fans and future audience expect?

The Bergamot: A bit of a departure, but for good reason. I think you feel a real sense of vulnerability in this work. We worked with one of the best in the world on this record – Matt Wiggins. So I think you hear a lot of new things in this record. Dynamically, this body of work speaks much more to our live performances than any other recording we have released.

Altwire [Omayra Lopez]: What are some things you enjoy in your leisure time off the recording studio or stage?

Jillian: Yoga and skinny dipping 😉

Nathan: Golf and making/enjoying coffee and writing nonsense.

Altwire [Omayra Lopez]: What advice can you give to new artists coming into the indie scene?

The Bergamot: The hustle is real. If you are not working harder than everyone else that you know, then you probably don’t have the work ethic to make it in this industry. The new industry requires the artist to be broad and effective. No more hanging out watching everyone else do your work for you – rise up. The new music landscape is calling!

Altwire [Omayra Lopez]: Is there a message you’d like to send to your fans and our readers?

The Bergamot: Growth is painful. Hell, everything worthwhile in life requires some level of discomfort. But that is when you get to learn the most about who you are. Regardless of your life journey – isn’t that truly what it is all about? So go make the world a better place, in the end, it will probably make you a better person, and the world needs more good people! 🙂

A propos de l'auteur

Omayra Lopez

Omayra est une fille de Floride, mère de trois enfants, et artiste visuelle partageant tout ce qui concerne l'art, l'amusement et les belles choses de la vie. Elle croit fermement que chacun crée sa propre réalité et l'applique à sa propre vie en marchant au rythme d'un tambour différent, en utilisant son appareil photo comme un outil à cette fin. Omayra est une femme à tout faire et elle les maîtrise tous. Lorsqu'elle n'est pas derrière la caméra, elle est devant. Son expérience en tant que mannequin l'a aidée à développer son œil de photographe.
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