Slightly Stoopid - The Gambler (reprise de Kenny Rogers)

Recently, on March 20, 2020, country legend Kenny Rogers well known for his hit, The Gambler passed away at the age of 81. 

Whether or not you enjoy country music, at some point you may have heard The Gambler, especially at any small gathering involving a game of poker. 

Among many great musicians paying their own tributes, Slightly Stoopid’s frontman, Miles Doughty recorded his own unique cover of the hit, to which he commented; 

“I was playing around with recording Kenny Rogers “The Gambler” during the Everyday Life, Everyday People recording sessions and with Kenny’s untimely passing we thought we would put it out as a tribute to him, his great music, storytelling and all the good times he provided this world. We hope you enjoy it and it brings a smile during these trying times we’re living in.”

This is a cover that could not have been released at a better time, and you can now enjoy it on all major music platforms!

A propos de l'auteur

Omayra Lopez

Omayra est une fille de Floride, mère de trois enfants, et artiste visuelle partageant tout ce qui concerne l'art, l'amusement et les belles choses de la vie. Elle croit fermement que chacun crée sa propre réalité et l'applique à sa propre vie en marchant au rythme d'un tambour différent, en utilisant son appareil photo comme un outil à cette fin. Omayra est une femme à tout faire et elle les maîtrise tous. Lorsqu'elle n'est pas derrière la caméra, elle est devant. Son expérience en tant que mannequin l'a aidée à développer son œil de photographe.
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