Taller Tales sort un nouveau titre génial, "Serendipity".

Taller Tales - Serendipity

Baltimore, Maryland-based Alt Rock band Taller Tales has released its latest single, Serendipity.

Serendipity is a great track to listen to when you’re reflecting on life and moments that result in what the title implies.

From their press release:

“It’s a song that’s been burning a hole through me for longer than I knew it was there. It’s as naked as I’ve ever been in music. I’ve spent a lot of my adult life working through this kind of prolonged existential crisis and awakening process and when it boils to a head at times it can be absolutely debilitating. ‘Serendipity’ came out of one of those darker moments for me.” – Taller Tales frontman and writer Bryan Kotsher. 

 The single demonstrates Taller Tales‘ penchant for explosive energy and infectious melodies, such as on their debut EP “Kalorama.” Still, it has a novel character all its own that feels like an organic evolution for the alternative trio. It also features perhaps the band’s most powerful vocal performance to date. 

“We’re never gonna be one thing; I just don’t think it’s possible. I’ve tried and failed to write in a box so many times,” explains Kotsher. “Taller Tales will just be what it is.”

Serendipity is now available on all streaming platforms!

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A propos de l'auteur

Omayra Lopez

Omayra est une fille de Floride, mère de trois enfants, et artiste visuelle partageant tout ce qui concerne l'art, l'amusement et les belles choses de la vie. Elle croit fermement que chacun crée sa propre réalité et l'applique à sa propre vie en marchant au rythme d'un tambour différent, en utilisant son appareil photo comme un outil à cette fin. Omayra est une femme à tout faire et elle les maîtrise tous. Lorsqu'elle n'est pas derrière la caméra, elle est devant. Son expérience en tant que mannequin l'a aidée à développer son œil de photographe.
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