Tour Preview: Nahko and Medicine for the People

On October 20th, 2017 Nahko, front man of Nahko and Medicine for the People, released his solo album titled, My Name Is Bear, launching his tour in support of that record shortly thereafter.

This coming of age album is his most important one to date, as the album highlights many major milestones in his life leading up to his early adulthood. For many listeners, his life story can be seen as an inspiration for survival, the search for true identity and the healing one can experience through forgiveness.

What truly brings Nahko’s music to life is the work that he and his tribe have done off the stage as they’ve advocated for the preservation and welfare of our planet and our Native American tribes and culture.

This summer he’s once again touring with Medicine for the People supporting Dispatch on their America, Location-12 tour. Make sure to get your dose of their musical medicine at a city near you!

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A propos de l'auteur

Omayra Lopez

Omayra est une fille de Floride, mère de trois enfants, et artiste visuelle partageant tout ce qui concerne l'art, l'amusement et les belles choses de la vie. Elle croit fermement que chacun crée sa propre réalité et l'applique à sa propre vie en marchant au rythme d'un tambour différent, en utilisant son appareil photo comme un outil à cette fin. Omayra est une femme à tout faire et elle les maîtrise tous. Lorsqu'elle n'est pas derrière la caméra, elle est devant. Son expérience en tant que mannequin l'a aidée à développer son œil de photographe.
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