Marilyn Manson Releases ‘Tattooed In Reverse’ Music Video

Shock rock veteran Marilyn Manson has released his latest promotional music video, ‘Tattooed In Reverse’, in the wake of his well received tenth studio album, Heaven Upside Down.

The video features many of the classic, unnerving Marilyn Manson tropes, stylistically centering itself within a disturbed medical environment, and featuring a cameo appearance from Hole front-woman, Courtney Love.

Released late 2017, Heaven Upside Down received critical acclaim for its successful inclusion of Marilyn Manson’s earlier industrial Mechanical Animals and Antichrist Superstar direction, while also including smatterings of 2015 blues rock release, The Pale Emperor.

Check out the video below:

About the author

M. Stoneman

"If you combine horror movies, rock music and Silent Hill, I'm the result: a British writer who will likely gush over guitar solos and ambient horror game soundtracks.”
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